Wednesday, March 5, 2014

10 Most Popular Volcanoes in the World

MOUNTAIN volcano is dangerous, deadly eruptions. However, what is in the surrounding mountains as well as the story behind it so attractive as a tourist destination.
( see also: lomba burung )

Check out his review below, as quoted from Skyscanner:

Soufriere Hills, Montserrat
Monsterrat tropical island turns out to save 'time bomb' in the middle of its beauty, the Soufriere Hills lava dome. Since erupted in 1995, the mountain is still active and quite dangerous for the island, making Montserrat could no longer habitable.

Krakatau, Indonesia
The most powerful explosion today is the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in Italy in 1979 that destroyed Pompeii. Indonesia was also a 'Vesuvius' itself, ie Mount Krakatoa in 1883. The eruption of Krakatoa could be heard thousands of miles, and the smoke covered almost the entire surface of the Earth. The eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau now produce, which is still active and become tourist attractions.

Yellowstone Caldera, United States
Yellowstone Caldera called super volcano, but fortunately only erupted three times in the last two million years. Volcanic activity is quite threatening, but produces beautiful scenery of Yellowstone National Park.

Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion
Piton de la Fournaise is one of the five most active volcanoes in the world, which in the past eight years had four eruptions. The volcano is located in the Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, which was so beautiful made legendary footballer Zinedine Zidane has a house on the island.

Mount Fuji, Japan
Mount Fuji is one of the most popular peaks in the world, and an icon of Japan. Although active, did not experience the eruption of Mount Fuji since 1708, so it is quite safe to visit.

PHENOMENON volcano may sound scary, but also many who find him attractive. In fact, volcanoes often become tourist destinations.

Check out his review below, as quoted from Skyscanner:

Mount Bromo, Indonesia
Mount Bromo also turns out is one of the popular volcanoes in the world. The mountain is still active is near other volcanoes, and its activity is often increased when a nearby volcano erupted experience. However, it did not stop thousands of people visit Bromo.

Shishaldin, Alaska
The volcano has a height of 6,000 feet. Interestingly, although all parts of the volcano called peak covered with thick snow.

Popocatepetl, Mexico
Popocatepetl volcano that is enough to make anxious residents of Mexico City, the nearest town from the mountain. Volcanic activity is increasing in recent years and seems to be having erupted in the years to come.

Mount Kilauea, Hawaii,  ( see also: lomba burung 2014 )
Mountains are located on the Big Island, Hawaii, is claimed as the world's most active volcanoes. You can travel closer to the mountain to see the lava from the mountain top down to the ocean.

Mount Etna, Italy
Mount Etna is the most active volcano in Europe, but also attract many tourists. Tourists can easily explore the lava fields around Mt Etna, and entered the caves volkaniknya. But beware, do not get too close to the top of the mountain!


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