Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Adolescents 15 Years of Cheap Ways to Develop HIV Testing

15 -year -old girl from York House School in Vancouver , Canada , Nicole Ticea , develop innovation attractive, inexpensive way HIV testing .

How cheap HIV test is needed because many people infected with HIV live in a place where inadequate testing facilities .

HIV testing in general , such as the ELISA method , determining the status of a person's positive or negative based on the detected antibodies .

However , Ticea different ways . The method developed Ticea determine someone's status based on the presence or absence of the HIV virus in the blood itself .

( Read: kacer juara )

To perform the test , users simply dripping blood on a chip . The test results will be available shortly afterwards . This test is only slightly more difficult than pregnancy tests .

Ticea developed a useful way to determine the status of a person as though his body has not produced antibodies . This method negates the window period .

In addition , the low cost , way too overcome Ticea developed based HIV testing for the presence or absence of virus that is costly and time consuming .

Test methods developed Ticea named Isothermic Nucleic Acid Amplification . Ticea collaboration with Simon Fraser University to develop it .

IFLScience.com site reported on Monday ( 12/05/2014 ) , Ticea became the first champion in the event Sanofi BioGENEius Challenge British Columbia region through innovation .

Next week , Ticea innovation will advance to the national level . When you win , Ticea will advance to the international competition in San Diego , United States .



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